Marque: Quimat
Couleur: Rouge
- The cheapest and most complete kit for beginners.
- Contains more than 200 components, This is the most complete Starter Kit with ArduinoIDE you will find. Free PDF user guide including the introduction and the required code, which saves you time.
- You have all the products for arduinoIDE you need in a good package with a clear list, for example 9V 1A Power supply lcd 1602 Servo SG90 engine HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor module with bracket, HC-SR501, LED, IC, relays, diodes, etc.All modules are soldered so they are easy to wire.
- With the new version of the USB cable development board and all the basic components.
- Detailed tutorial, including the introduction of the project can be provided free of charge:!jZUkDbiJ!lTRY_IVRkKEm1XwPLHDjlQ
Détails: Quimat the cheapest and most complete kit for beginners. List of components: 1.Board x1 2.3.3V/5V power supply x1 3.Expansion x1 4.MAX7219 x1 5.DS3231 x1 6.HC-SR04 x1 7.HDT11 x1 8.IR Receiver x1 9.Joystick x1 10.GY-521 x1 11.Motor Drivers x1 12.Rotary Encoder x2 13.B10K Variable x2 14.Big Sound x1 15.Capteur d’eau x1 16.L293D x1 17.85HC595N x1 18.HC-SR501 x1 19.10uf/50V x2 20.100uf/50V x2 21.Tilt Switch x1 22.Thermal x1 23.CDS x2 24.PN2222 x5 25.S8050 x5 26.Ceramic Capacitor 104 x5 27.Ceramic Capacitor 22pf x5 28.1N4007 x5 29.RGB LED x1 30.Fan x1 31.4 7-segment x1 32.7 segment x1 33.passif Buzzer x1 34.Action Buzzer x1 35.Relay 5V x1 36.9V batterie x1 37.1602 Affichage x1 38.Mini Bread x1 39.830 Breadboard x1 40.Remote Control x1 41.Button x5 x1 42.F-M 20Pin Dupont Wire x1 43.USB Cable x1 44.Jumper Cable x65 45.4 * 4 Keyboard 46.LED Red x5 47.LED Green x5 48.LED Blue x5 49.LED Yellow x5 50.LED White x5 51.10R Resistance x10 52.10K x10 Resistance 53.1M x10 Resistance 54.100K Resistance x10 55.2K x10 Resistance 56.220R Resistance x10 57.100R Resistance x10 58.5.1K x10 Resistance 59.330R Resistance x10 60.1K x10 Resistance 61.SG90 Servo x1 62.5V Stepper x1 63.DC Engine x1 64.RFID Module x1 65.9V Battery Holder x1 66.9V / 1A Charger x1 67.TutorialsCD x1 68.Resistance Card x1 69.Box plastic x1
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